Interactive Technologies and STEM
Early-Grades Teaching and Learning

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Maine Preservice Teachers Draw Lessons from Research-Practice Partnership in Auburn, Maine

Dr. Shannon Larsen is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Mathematics Education at University of Maine at Farmington, specializing in K-8 mathematics education, elementary  mathematics coaching, and professional development for elementary mathematics teachers. She is also a higher education collaborator and education researcher for the Research + Practice Collaboratory project in Auburn, Maine. In “Maine Preservice …

Buffington Named ATMNE’s 2016 Richard H. Balomenos Lecturer

Interactive STEM principal investigator Pam Buffington has been selected as the 2016 Richard H. Balomenos Lecturer by the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England, a consortium of math-teacher associations across the six New England states. On Thursday, Oct. 29, she will present a lecture and lead a discussion on “Strategic Use of Mobile Technologies as …

Snapshots of Practice: Maine Educators and Researchers Co-Investigate Student iPad Strategies and Recordings

In Auburn, Maine, all eyes were focused on iPads as K–2 teachers shared interactive artifacts collected from students in their elementary mathematics classrooms. On this particular afternoon, the teachers were joined by mathematics education researchers, a principal, and preservice and other in-service teachers who watched them play back screencasts of students explaining how they had …